Itzik works focus on the human emotions. He usually makes them into two separate pieces that are move able. These separate pieces represent the male and female. He has also set up a foundry for a 4000 year old "Lost Wax" method for casting sculptures. He says his own work is has to work within the psyche of alienation. He is focusing on the modern era and how the majority involves electronic media. We communicate more with electronic media then say other humans. His main goal in his works is to let his audience understand and realize there is more to this life.
"Facing Couple" is currently located at The college of Arts and sciences Pine Grove walkway. It was donated to the school. This work was first casted in bronze. The reason for this is because it evokes the basic need for interaction and to touch. This work creates juxtaposition with the background of the pine trees.
"Facing Couple"
"Intimacy Two" created out of Bronze and is 20".
"Two as One"

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