His main subject of his works included his own body. He believed he could use his body as a vessel for memory and transformation that explores the collective body and the association between the self and the other. He tries to express this thought through using large scale. When doing his work he explores the human body to space. By using himself and his own being as a test ground for all of his work. He believes his work transforms a site of abstract experience into one collection that is extensive. He goes beyond placing his work in an art gallery and began to get involve the public in his works.
I find the “Angel of the North” to be mesmerizing. “The Angel of the North” is located in Gateshead, England. This sculpture is made out of 600 tons of concrete and stands 66fth tall and the wings measure 177ft across. This Angel stands on a hill on the Southern edge of Lowfell. This project began in 1994 and finished 4 years later. This sculpture and cost about 1 million dollars. The money to pay for the Angel was provided by the National Lottery. Gormely created this so his viewers can gain a sense of embrace. This work was build to withstand wind that traveled as fast as 100mph. The people that live in northeast Europe call this their trademark of England.
"Angel of the North"
Other Works:
“Critical Mass” created in 1995
“Blind Light “ created in 2007
“Another Place” created in 2005

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